Moray earrings


Here you can find the handmade collection of PUNCTUM earrings

Bauhaus whirling


Here you can find the handmade collection of PUNCTUM rings

Elavated Quartz


Here you can find the handmade collection PUNCTUM bracelets

Binary Spheres

Our Story

"Art Jewellery represents an idea beyond material worth."

Unique handcrafted silver earrings with gold stripes 14 Karat and a pair of natural round ruby. The earrings are oxidized except the gold parts.
Wire Ring -Special Commision-


In this section, you can ask us about a special made you have in your mind.

PUNCTUM is very personal and often different for everyone

“ReadingVan der Zee's photograph, I thought I had discerned what moved me: the strapped pumps of the black woman in her Sunday best; but this photograph has worked within me, and later on I realized that the real punctum was the necklace she was wearing; for (no doubt) it was this same necklace (a slender ribbon of braided gold) which I had seen worn by someone in my own family, and which, once she died, remained shut up in a family box of old jewellery.”

Barthes, R.(2010). Camera Lucida: Reflections on photography. (R.Howard, Trans.). New York: Hill and Wang.

Embracing nature, inspired by it

Punctum Jewellery Workshop